3, 2, 1 Action! Protecting Your Production in Foreign Countries

Ever wonder how Hollywood films get to be able to shoot different scenes in various places. For example, the chase scene in Manchester in the movie Captain America? Well, that all thanks to the so-called “local fixers.” 

A local fixer is your production team’s representation in that country. They arrange interviews, secure location permits, book transport, hotels — everything that an out-of-town crew needs to shoot particular scenes of a movie. That is why this individual should have a substantial background on how the film industry works, as well as possess savvy skills to get things done. A fixer must be familiar with the country's culture and need a good know-how to get all of the logistical ducks in a row to make the production run smoothly.

Pre-production Briefing

Make sure to specify all the responsibilities and communicate with the fixer before hitting the location. By doing so, your fixer will get the chance to brief you with the rules and regulations of the location you choose. In addition, the fixer should be a local or if not, substantially knowledgeable with the location. Thus, your team will be comfortable navigating the cultural landscape since your fixer is trained in all aspects of production management, as well as taking care of security and transportation needs.

Local Rules and Regulations

One thing your team should do is to coordinate properly and constantly with the chosen country's film commission. Doing so will allow the production team to avoid major drawbacks that can lead to hassles and failures. Moreover, a competent fixer should be able to scout in a detailed manner the desired location without any difficulties and be able to send complete information, which includes photos and sample film clips, to the producer.

Do take note that some countries require a special visa or permit before foreigners can be legally allowed to film there. The fixer you choose must be aware of these requirements so they can sort them out for you with ease. If any complications arise, the fixer should be able to solve it efficiently and keep production running smoothly.

Local Resources

Film set

Well, of course, traveling for an international shoot is somehow expensive. That is why certain production teams need additional help and support when it comes to getting extra crew. Your fixers should be able to secure credible recommendations and have access to talent crews and production facilities that can lend a hand in your production. 

It's also essential for a fixer to be dedicated and diligent because scouting a considerable number of departments and agencies can be quite overwhelming, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. To add, there should be backup plans and a list of contacts in case extra workforce from the designated company cancels or doesn't show up.

Managing Your Fixer

It's indispensable for fixers to be highly organized and productive when it comes to tasks like scheduling. You can back your fixer up by providing detailed checklists. Furthermore, it's important to make sure that the fixer has adequate financial resources and supply them with enough information so your needs can be met accurately.

Movie production is complex, tedious, and stressful. However, with the help of a skilled crew and the right professional assistance, you can manage the production process well.

The Author

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