A Snapshot: Turning Facebook Insights into Actionable Marketing Plans

Business data has the power to expand your reach and grow your organization. But it may end up useless if you can’t turn it into actionable plans, or your employees don’t know what to do with it. For big and comprehensive data, seeking the help of business intelligence consulting services is the right move. Data from specific online platforms, however, can be turned into actionable marketing plans with simple strategies. On Facebook, for instance, you only need to look at specific insights and analytic tools.

Improve ad targeting by measuring the right things

Facebook’s advertising platform is known for its laser-targeting features. You can specify your target audience based on location, age, gender, and even interests (or Facebook pages they like or follow). But high-performing ads aren’t made by accident—they’re a product of great metrics, insights, and testing.

Get the most out of your Facebook ad budget by gathering as much customer data as possible. Consider the many variables related to ad targeting, such as demographics, ad types and placement, and timing. Gather customer data and other Facebook insights and cross-reference them with your buyer personas. Doing so will help clue you in with what type of ads or messaging is likely to perform well with your audience on Facebook. But before you scale to a full-blown ad campaign, run a few A/B testing to see what works or not and gain more important customer insights that can further refine your ad targeting.

Optimize organic reach by learning the virality of posts

Whether you’re running ads or strictly focusing on organic reach, you need to know which types of content drive engagement. Good thing, Facebook analytics can show you the virality of your posts.

Go to the Posts tab of Facebook analytics, and you will see the type of post (photo, video, link, or poll), its reach (organic or paid), and its engagement (number of likes, comments, and shares).

You can also use the filters to look at certain metrics. Say, you want to know which videos perform well with your audience. Instead of sifting through all the posts, you can sort by videos and see which post garnered the most likes and shares. Knowing the virality of the post gives you an idea of the type of content your audience likes. You can then use that insight to create your next video and other content.

Refine your Facebook sales funnel

sales funnel on a phone screen

If used as a marketing platform, Facebook is a massive source of leads and sales. But to improve your conversion rate from Facebook, you need to track the buyer’s journey from Facebook to your website or Shopify store. Find out which promotions and content result in conversions. See the difference in conversion rate between paid and organic visitors. Assuming you use Google Analytics for your website, cross-reference GA data with Facebook insights to refine the sales funnel from Facebook to your site.

Facebook offers tons of data to help grow your business online. But similar to other business data, Facebook data requires your input and analysis to transform into actionable marketing decisions.

The Author

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