Avoid These Common Mistakes When Using Cloud Computing Services

One of the most incredible leaps technology has made for businesses in recent memory is cloud computing. This technology has completely changed the business landscape and provided entrepreneurs with infinite possibilities for growing their business.

According to SaaS provider RightScale’s 2019 State of the Cloud report, 94 percent of enterprises use cloud computing. With the affordability, scalability, and flexibility it offers, it’s no wonder businesses are adopting this technology.

Like any technology, though, there’s a learning curve to master when it comes to cloud computing. With this learning curve comes mistakes beginners might make. If you’re just starting to use the cloud for your business operations, make sure not to walk into the following pitfalls that may damage your business.

1. Choosing the wrong service provider

While cloud computing provides the same basic functions no matter the provider, some offer better features tailored to specific industries. This is why choosing the right service provider is critical to your business’ long-term success. Today, top providers are Microsoft, Amazon, and Google; you can also get their services from a cloud reseller business. Before choosing, though, make sure the provider offers features that you need while being cost-effective.

2. Giving everyone access to everything

One of the best features of cloud computing is allowing users to access the application and the data it contains anywhere and from any device as long as they have an internet connection. However, this access might be abused or misused. When using cloud computing in your operations, limit the access to certain information only to the specific teams or employees that need them. This lowers the risk of a security breach or leak of confidential information.

cloud computing

3. Assuming all your data is protected

Speaking of security, another common mistake when it comes to cloud computing is thinking that every piece of data stored there is protected. Of course, service providers must adhere to certain security standards, but it doesn’t mean you can go lax in securing your own data. Prevent the costly loss of valuable information by encrypting and securing your data.

4. Not having a disaster recovery plan

Sometimes, pessimism pays. One of the main reasons companies switch to cloud computing from traditional in-house IT is because the latter is prone to downtime. While downtime is not as prevalent with cloud computing, it still happens. When it does, you may lose access to data stored in the cloud. Make sure this doesn’t happen by incorporating disaster recovery and back-up procedures into your operations. This way, you can still retrieve data from the cloud and ensure business continuity.

5. Having poor connectivity

Keep in mind that cloud computing relies heavily on internet access. If yours is slow or isn’t secure, you compromise your company’s data and eliminate the efficiency this technology brings. So, when using cloud computing, make sure your internet connection is up to par with your operations.

When it comes down to it, cloud computing is a piece of technology that makes different areas of business operations easier. Avoid the mistakes above, so you can enjoy cloud computing’s benefits thoroughly.

The Author

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