How to Structure Your Employees’ Benefits Program for Optimal Engagement

An effective benefits program is a critical component of any employee retention strategy. Now retention rates are decreasing in the country, and these benefits are more essential than ever. In order to attract and retain top talent, you need to offer a benefits package that meets the needs of your employees. But what’s the best way to structure your employees’ benefits program? Here are five unique ways to do it.

Offer Traditional and Non-Traditional Benefits

Traditional benefits like health insurance and retirement savings plans are significant, but they’re not the only things your employees want. Offering a mix of traditional and non-traditional benefits will show your employees that you’re committed to meeting their needs both in and out of the workplace. Standard benefits include medical, dental, and vision insurance; retirement plans; disability insurance; and paid time off. While there are some non-traditional benefits you should offer:

Therapy For Employees and Families

Mental health plays a fundamental role in overall well-being, yet many companies do not offer coverage for therapy services. Offering mental health support to employees and their families can positively impact productivity and morale in the workplace. One good therapy option is cognitive behavioral therapy services for ADHD. Many children are diagnosed with ADHD in the United States. This benefit can significantly benefit your company and make it more competitive. It’s also unique enough to make your company stand out in the market.


Many employees want to start a family, but the high cost of childcare can make it difficult for them to do so. Offering a subsidy or on-site daycare can make your company more attractive to potential employees and help current employees balance work and family obligations.

Fitness and Wellness Programs

Encouraging healthy habits in the workplace can lead to increased productivity and lower healthcare costs. For example, offering gym memberships or on-site fitness classes and providing healthy food options in the office can promote employee wellness and improve company morale.

Different benefits options for employees

Choosing Benefits

Another way to structure your employees’ benefits program is to allow them to choose their benefits. This approach gives employees the power to tailor their benefits package to meet their specific needs. For example, an employee with a young family may prefer childcare benefits over tuition reimbursement. Likewise, employees dealing with a chronic health condition may prefer health insurance with a lower deductible over a flexible work arrangement. Allowing employees to choose their benefits gives them a sense of ownership over their benefits package and helps ensure they get the most out of it.

Allowances on Benefits

Another option is to give your employees an allowance they can use for whichever benefits they want. This approach allows employees to pick and choose which benefit offerings are most valuable to them. For example, if an employee has no dependent children, they may decide to use their allowance on additional vacation days instead of childcare benefits. Giving employees an allowance also allows you to adjust the amount you’re spending on benefits each year based on your budget constraints.

Coverage Through Payroll

This approach provides all employees with a basic level of coverage (e.g., health insurance, dental insurance, etc.) and allows them to purchase additional coverage through payroll deductions. In addition, this approach will enable employees to tailor their coverage levels to meet their needs without paying for coverage they don’t want or need. For example, an employee who is single and healthy may decide not to purchase additional health insurance coverage beyond what’s provided at the base level. In contrast, an employee with a family may choose to buy additional coverage for dependents.

Salary Over Benefits

Although more and more applicants seek benefits over higher pay, there are still those who want better salaries. Because of this, you should offer higher pay over benefits to your employees.

This final option allows employees who don’t need or want the company’s benefit offerings (e.g., health insurance, dental insurance, etc.) to opt out in exchange for a higher salary. This approach can benefit both employers and employees because it allows employers to redirect money that would have been spent on benefit premiums into wages. It also allows employees who don’t need or want benefits coverage to receive a higher salary. For example, if their spouse’s health insurance plan covers an employee, they may opt out of the company’s health insurance offering in exchange for a higher salary. This approach can be particularly beneficial for younger, single employees who are healthy and don’t have any dependents.

There’s no one-size-fits-all answer to structuring your employees‘ benefits program. The best approach depends on the needs of your business as well as the needs of your workforce. Consider these five unique approaches and choose the one that makes the most sense for your business.

The Author

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