How to Use Your Business Anniversary as a Marketing Strategy

Congratulations, your business was able to survive another year! Your anniversary as a company is a major cause for celebration. To have even more things to celebrate, you need to constantly develop new marketing strategies and create more opportunities for growth, so why not use this milestone as an opportunity?

If you are unsure how to do that, let these suggestions guide you.

Express your gratitude

There are two ways to do this: throw a party or send them presents. Be creative with your gifts, the party theme and invititation. This is your chance to further promote your brand. Give away customised promotional merchandise that highlights the core values of your company. A pair of personalised headphones, for example, signifies your organisation’s ability to listen. You’re giving them more reasons to keep doing business with you.

Tell your story

Tell the world about your journey through a creative and engaging marketing strategy. Harness the power of your social media accounts to tell your story.

Leverage trending topics, like how Moon Pie claimed to sponsor the 2017 solar eclipse on their 100th anniversary, which led to one of the most iconic brand feuds on Twitter. Make an anniversary logo and show it off as the new cover photo of your socials. You can also gather company photos taken throughout the years and upload them to Instagram and Facebook stories.

Gather the stories needed to flesh out your anniversary campaign, particularly from your internals. Build a repertoire of employee and client anecdotes, photos and videos. Use them to produce a short-form video or a compilation of oral histories, which you can integrate into your campaign and share on socials.

sale tags inside a shop

Sales events, promotions and free webinar

Sales events and promotions that are related to your company anniversary will surely boost your bottom line. Start announcing your sales event at least two weeks before it starts and include all the information regarding any specials, discounts or promotions that are going to be available on the event. You can also create an event page on your socials and invite your followers.

Give your customers discount vouchers for your products and services. If you have an online store, you can also post digital vouchers or discount codes that your followers can use when buying your products online.

If you are a service company, set up a free webinar. Promote the webinar on your website and socials and set up a reservation system so you would know how many people are participating. This will not only help convert prospects into paying customers, but also build your reputation as an expert in your industry.

By marketing your business anniversary, you are extending the celebration to include even those who are strangers to your brand. Whether you follow these suggestipns or come up with your own ways, always be unique and creative. A successful anniversary marketing will propel your business to reach a lot more milestones in the future.

The Author

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