Simple Ways to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal

First impressions matter, whether it’s from friends or potential homebuyers. Your home’s exterior sets the tone for the rest of your property. Overgrown grass, rusted fencing, and faded paint cause people to think the property is neglected and that the interior will probably look the same. Boosting your home’s curb appeal gives it an attractive and finished look that improves people’s impression of it.

When deciding on which improvements to make for your curb appeal, consider what you want to accomplish with the final look. Much like with your interiors, there are several DIY projects you can do for your home’s exterior space.

Go Green: Enhance Your Front Yard

One of the most impactful ways to boost curb appeal is to improve your front yard. Its prominent spot on your property makes it the first thing people see whenever they pass by your home.

Take care of your lawn

Lawn care might seem labor-intensive, but it gets easier when done regularly. Mow the grass, pull out weeds, and rake-off leaves at least once a week to keep your yard looking clean. You can also purchase sod supply to replace areas that have wide or multiple patches of brown spots.

Plant flowers along the edges of the lawn

Flowers and other types of plants help enhance your front yard. Planting them along the edges of your lawn creates an attractive border between your property and the sidewalk. This will also cover up the area where your metal or wooden fence meets the ground.

Repair any damage to your fence

Any damage to your fence, from chipped paint and rust to broken and missing pieces, will bring down your curb appeal. Additionally, a damaged fence poses a security threat to your home. Inspect the entire structure to identify what needs to be repaired. Then, carry out the necessary repairs as soon as possible.

Home Makeover: Improve Your Façade

home makeover

Improving your home’s façade is also a simple way to boost curb appeal. The changes you make don’t have to be extreme, as long as they bring aesthetic appeal and functional value.

Put on a fresh coat of paint

Much like your fence, your home’s exterior experiences significant wear and tear. Putting on a fresh coat of paint will give it a fresh and clean look. Additionally, you can use this time to inspect the structure for any damage that might need professional services.

Install new house numbers

Old or faded house numbers will make it difficult for people, particularly couriers, to find your home. When you replace these, consider choosing a font that better suits your home’s architecture. Another option would be to paint them in colors that will pop against your home’s fresh coat of paint.

Use a pressure washer to clean your driveway

Grime, dirt, and mold will typically accumulate on your driveway and walkways over time. These will make these areas look darker than they are. Use a pressure washer to clean these areas of this gunk. This tool will help you save time and effort.

There are several ways to boost your curb appeal. You simply need to know what kind of improvements you want to carry out for your home.

The Author

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