The Complete Guide to Starting an Architecture Firm

Any architectural firm specializes in providing architectural services. The firms handle the aspects of design and give shape to any project. There are various tasks like contracting and interior decoration that comes under this. Your firm may concentrate on residential architecture and industrial architecture as well. Decide on your niche beforehand.

It’s essential to associate the firm with a specific architectural style. You may be expected to deliver and draw up plans and remodel, as well. So, there is a gamut of functions that most firms cater to. But first, you need to kick start your company, and here’s what you should do:

Form A Legal Entity

You need to have a clear picture of the entity in your head. It will help you to plan the business. Moreover, it makes sense to decide on the target market as well. You would not want to target the wrong clients and waste valuable time without results. Architecture firms bill clients according to the services delivered. A lot depends on the skill level of your architects.

You ought to give your business a name as well. It is better to look up your state’s architecture directory to check for trademarks on any particular name. It is also essential to secure a domain name before moving ahead. The most profitable business model is LLC or Limited Liability Company. It helps you to keep your personal and professional assets separate.

Take Care of Taxation and Banking

You should also keep abreast of Federal and state laws. Additionally, you also need to open an EIN. You can do it through the government website at free cost. Depending on which company structure you choose, you can learn about small business taxes. There may be state taxes and sales taxes as well.

The next step involves opening a Current bank account. It helps project a more professional outlook in front of stakeholders and investors. Additionally, the government also requires you to get a Current version to transfer tax rebates that you may be eligible for. Apart from securing your finances through separate accounts, you also increase your chances of receiving credit cards and loans.

Net-30 account is one of the primary accounts for vendors. It is for those businesses that need inventory but has no cash in hand. Vendors will also readily deal with you if you have one such account in your company name. It also helps you get reported to Credit Bureaus and avail of loans later. You might need to get the necessary permits and licenses, depending on Federal and state guidelines.

Select Business Premises

When you choose an office to represent your brand, you have to choose a space that reflects your design aesthetics and elements. If you are a modernist architectural firm, look for a modern office and if you are a green architecture firm, go accordingly. The space will help to attract the right clients. Once you have catered to the primary office requirements, you should get CAD software. You can rent it out, over buying it for a considerable sum initially.

You also need to contact agents who have construction equipment for sale. Many architecture firms have their in-house contractors. So, having a few types of machinery handy does help to manage comprehensive projects. In small home remodels, many architecture firms work with their in-house contractors. So, it can be a lucrative way to have more margins.

Build A Website


Once you are done with the above, you should start a website. Today, most clients look up the internet when they have a project in hand. Most people look for locals and not foreign offshore architects. So, you should have a great website with proper UI and UX to support your initiative. If you do not have a website today, you are not even there on their list of prospects. It will help get a professional site where you can post previous projects’ pictures.

Your website should be easily navigable and easy to comprehend. Apart from setting up great landing pages and home pages, you should consider posting blogs online. Explain the various facets of the architecture business through these blogs. Additionally, you can also list out various interior types and their features. So, when an order comes along, the prospect can pinpoint the nature of deliverables they are looking for.

Do Not Refuse Any Project

When you are just starting, you should undertake every project that comes your way. But of course, you should have the workforce to handle it all. Always live up to the commitments, and try to fulfill them. That is how you can build a culture and reputation of your own. This will also enable you to build a great portfolio. After you establish yourself, you can look into multiple facets of a project and accept it.

These are the most important things to consider for your Architecture firm. However, there may be more essential things depending on your management and your ambitions as an entrepreneur and architect. So do you study well and start a successful architectural business.

The Author

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