Working Lawns with Your Child: Is It Worth It?

Children are naturally curious about what you’re doing and won’t hesitate to ask or imitate what you’re doing. If you’re going to be mowing the lawn – they’ll probably do the same thing – and even enjoy what they’re doing.

There’s no problem with getting a bit of help from your child, but shouldn’t your child be of legal age to work? Well, not really. Children can still earn money, depending on the type of work that they’re doing. Whether it’s shoveling snow, planting grass and flowers, or raking in dead leaves, there are lots of things that they can do for a profit. Still, this will depend on the area you’re in and its weather conditions.

If you’re going to help your child grow into a financially stable and mature individual, teaching them how to work at a young age is a great way of letting them gain experience. But other than just experience, children can also learn how to manage their finances. Even though children might learn about business later on in their life, teaching them business practices through simple lawn care work can definitely go a long way.

But is working a lawn with your child lucrative? What are some things that you’ll need to weigh in? Here’s what you’ll need to know.

Factors You’ll Need to Consider

So is working lawns together with your child a good business model? Well, it’s lucrative to an extent. Right off the bat, you can’t really expect much from the service of a child, so most clients will have to be cognizant that this is merely a father-child business venture. Still, if you really want your “business” to be successful, you’ll need to weigh in on these factors:

Your Child Isn’t a Professional

While yard work isn’t something that takes a lot of intellectual and physical prowess, it still works. Even though children are gaining experience from working on this business, there will be clients that will be expecting a quality output. At the end of the day, you’re working with your child, and they’re not exactly professionals with years of experience. If you really want to commit to this industry, you might need to have a professional adult workforce that knows what they’re doing.

But right before you make any final decisions on whether you should start up your lawn caring business, you must plan everything. You might want to look into lawn care startup costs as a way of painting a good picture of the budget that you’ll need.

It’s Safe to an Extent


Compared to mowing lawns and physically intensive work, yard work is generally safe and won’t necessarily take a lot of effort. But even though it’s safe, it’s still important that your child will wear the necessary safety equipment. Still, you’ll need to keep them away from machinery and give them something that doesn’t take too much energy, like wielding a rake.

Remember: your child is not a professional, and they should be limited to relatively safe and simple tasks that they can do.

Your Customers

A lot of homes that need a bit of lawn care shouldn’t be too far off from your home or your area of operations. There’s a good chance that you’ll be getting repeat customers, especially when they see that it’s you and your child that’s working together. After a season of working, your child is bound to maintain a set of clients.

Letting your child help out with your lawn care business can definitely give you a helping hand. Still, you’ll need to ensure that they’re wearing safe and protective equipment. If you plan a startup and commit to the landscaping industry, you might want to work with vetted professionals rather than just working with your child. The bottom line? Working with your child can be lucrative, but only if you consider this to be a minor project that you want to do with your child.

The Author

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