Growing Your Own Vegetables in a Backyard Garden

A landscaped lawn or yard is a great advantage for homeowners. Not only does it look great and makes the house more appealing, but it also increases property value in case they want to resell in the future.

During the summer, it is common to order sod supply in Salt Lake City to add more greenery to landscaping projects. Summer is also a good time to start adding more trees or features such as rock gardens to enhance the area’s appearance.

Why not grow your own food?

Besides landscaped lawns, there is also a growing trend among urbanites: having their own garden for herbs or vegetables.

As the demand for sustainable and organic foods continues to rise, homeowners are now more willing to get their hands dirty and work on their own vegetable garden. These new farmers are happily planting tomatoes, lettuce, eggplants, okra, and a variety of herbs, which they use for their family’s consumption.

Never mind the space constraints, some buildings have utilized their rooftops for community farming, while others have created ingenious vertical gardens to maximize the little space that they have. For residents who do have space, here are some practical tips to get started on your vegetable garden project.

Provide the right sunshine and shade

Vegetables need adequate sunshine during the day to grow, but also require shade during the afternoon so that they do not dry out. The first thing to do is observe how the sun travels in the area you plan to cultivate.

If there are big trees blocking the sun, look for another spot to create plots. These trees will most likely block out sunshine once they have full foliage.

Pick a method of growing

First crop of organically grown carrots

You can use raised beds for your vegetable garden. This is an inexpensive option and does not require tilling the soil. Other gardeners also use animal troughs to begin planting.  For gardeners with limited space, you can use pots that you can easily move at different times of the day. Lettuce, garlic, as well as peppers, do well in a potted environment.

Alternatively, you can always plant the vegetables directly on the soil. This depends on how good the quality of the soil is. Have a garden supply expert check your soil and see if it needs to be tilled first or prepared for being used to grow vegetables.

Choose between seeds and starter plants

New gardeners may end up being frustrated after the seeds they have planted do not sprout. In some instances, it is best to get starter plants for your vegetable garden rather than plant seeds. Seedlings are easier to plant and monitor.

Among the vegetables you can choose to plant this way are tomatoes and peppers. Look for plants with strong stems and good colors. Watch out for signs of insect infestation such as chewed up leaves or discoloration.

After planting the vegetables, you must make a plan or schedule for watering your garden. If you are working, you can have a sprinkler system go off automatically at a certain time, so the vegetables stay hydrated. If you use pots, keep them away from direct sunlight if you will be out for most of the day.

It takes commitment and perseverance to start a garden for food, but it can be a very rewarding experience. Rather than let precious land resource go to waste, you can use your space to grow clean and organic food. This way, you can be sure that you know where your food comes from.

The Author

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