5 Best Methods for Attracting Online Customers

As many as 96 percent of all Americans shop online and given current restrictions; this is entirely justifiable. Aside from upholding social distancing measures, online shopping is also extremely convenient. According to a survey conducted by National Public Radio, online shoppers turn to websites for the following products:

  • Clothing and footwear (84 percent)
  • Electronic devices (72 percent)
  • Vitamins and health supplements (40 percent)

However, if you’re setting up an online store of your own, you will be facing intense competition. The online marketplace isn’t only dominated by conglomerates such as Amazon; there are also countless smaller online stores. You’ll need to make your online business more attractive, and here are five effective methods you can use to achieve this.

Team Up with Businesses

Never underestimate the value of a great partnership. Not only can teaming up with the right business helps you make great connections, but it can also draw quality customers. For example, if you’re business sells exercise clothing and fitness accessories, your customers might be very interested in promos involving health supplements. Find the perfect company whose products or services will synergise significantly with your own. Doing so can attract more customers to both your businesses.

Make Attractive Packaging

Just because you’re selling your products online doesn’t mean you should let your product packaging design lapse. An excellent design for your product’s containers and wrapping can be the cherry on top of your customer’s satisfying experience. For example, customised labels for honey jars can include a cute design and informative graphics about the product. But don’t just stop at your product packaging. When you send out a product to your customers, include a thank you sticker or a similarly positive message with the shipment packaging to brighten up their day.

online shop

Make Meaningful Content

Don’t neglect the content of your online store. Start by revamping your product descriptions. First, these descriptions should include all vital information about the object, like dimensions, ingredients, and delicate components. However, you can also put useful information, such as recipe suggestions, installation advice, and similar content. Extend these types of content to the rest of your website. For example, a blog page filled with articles on how to use your product, background information, and industry news can be appreciated by your customers.

Invest in Great Product Photos

Your customers won’t be able to interact with your products directly, and they’ll rely on your website’s photographs. Bland and unappealing product photographs won’t be able to showcase the highlights of your products, especially if they rely on their appearance. Clothing and other apparel need exquisite product photography to bring their colours and design to the forefront. Take shots of your products from different angles so your customers can appreciate its dimensions.

Consider Your Layout

Finally, remember to pay attention to the layout of your online store. Just like a physical location, if your store is messy and disorganised, your customers won’t pay attention to your products, much less purchase them. Use layouts that are simple and uncluttered. These types of designs will highlight your products and remove distractions. For example, a simple grid layout helps isolate products and provides calming white space.

Don’t let your online store trail behind your competitors. Ensuring you attract more customers is the best way to improve the profitability of your fledgling business.

The Author

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