About Us

Get Your Daily Dose of Tech and Business at Fresco News

We’re Fresco News, an online magazine devoted to sharing the latest trends, news and insights in the world of business and technology. We post articles, tips, hacks and guides on tech gadgets for personal and business use.

We also cover what’s trending in sports and entertainment to give ourselves a break from writing tech stuff.

Helping Your Business Embrace Technology

For your business to thrive and not just survive, you’ll need to integrate technology into your business.

Here’s why:

  • Tech improves how you interact with customers. Video conferencing technology, for instance, allows you to communicate with customers whenever and wherever they are.
  • Employees need state-of-the-art tech to help them be efficient and effective in their jobs.
  • Tech saves time and money. Let your gadgets and software take care of the mundane stuff.

The goal of our magazine is to educate and encourage you to use technology to grow your business and get ahead of your competitors who choose to stick to what’s familiar. We think that companies that fail to adapt to technology will lose their edge — or worse — go out of business.

Check out our articles today and get familiar with the tech gadgets to use for your business.

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