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Why Focus on Topics Instead of Keywords?

Search engines are focusing on content when it comes to ranking sites on their results pages. It is no longer enough to use the right keywords to lure traffic. You’ll have to provide value to users who want solutions or are looking for specific information.

To get ahead of your competitors, put your efforts on a topic-based content marketing strategy. A Utah-based SEO consultant cites the following reasons focusing on topics enable you to reach your intended audience effectively.

Evolution of Queries

In 2012, Google mentioned that roughly 20% of queries were new, never before searched phrases. Years have passed, and the numbers may have increased already. More and more users are using a complex combination of words to find what they want.

Ranking in general terms is still important, but you are missing out on potential, convertible traffic because you didn’t get creative. A topic-based content marketing strategy allows you to carve a niche in keywords others rarely think of.

This enables your brand to reach a market that is ready to make a purchase or move further along the sales funnel.

Visitor Engagement

When you focus on topics, you are likely to engage your visitors with your expertise. Users are no longer just looking for general answers to their queries. A comprehensive article addresses all their pain points and may even touch on similar subjects that broaden a person’s knowledge.

This in-depth approach entices a visitor to browse your pages to learn more about the topic or your brand. They might leave comments or share your videos or posts through their social networks. Search engines reward higher engagement with better rankings.

Show Authority and Experience in a Niche

Focusing on a topic instead of keywords allows you to display authority in your chosen niche. Appearing authoritative in your industry will enable you to connect with your audience and earn the respect of peers. They will turn to you when they look for solutions or learn more about a specific topic.

They are likely to share your posts and engage with it more often.

Earn Audience Loyalty

When you solve the problems of your visitors, they will trust you. Work towards earning their trust and loyalty with comprehensive content in any for you are good at. Include all the information a visitor may need in the video or article. Try to answer their queries and potential questions they may ask in your post.

Help Find Ideal Keywords

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Once you have a topic in mind, it will be easier to choose keywords for the campaign. This broad to narrow approach allows you to customize a strategy based on the audience you intend to reach. You’ll also be able to remove search terms that you won’t rank in.

You’ll identify the ideal mix of phrases that work for your brand even if these are long-tail ones. Keywords are still important for ranking a page, but focusing on topics allow you to build a stronger identity and reach your intended market effectively.

These are some of the reasons concentrating on topics is important to the success of your campaigns. Implement these mentioned strategies to improve your content marketing.

The Author

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